Aksharapadeeyam – Episode 6

What makes the modern scientific worldview different from  traditional speculative world view? 
The age old Vedic wisdom, system and philosophy still stands tall and glaring . 

Considering  ‘Sound ‘ as centrality can we come up with a justifying statement ? 
Today no one is ready to accept that science is the only system that deals with truth and justifying factor.
The difference is methodological. 

The modern sciences consider real world physical modals to construct theories. Vedantic theories are essentially modals of reality . 

Traditional sciences contain with in itself the description of the ultimate reality. The knowledge is basically the totality of ultimate reality. 

The experience of reality can only be expressed only in the form of multi perspective images. The statements are  created by metaphors, myths,  stories and fables . Compared to Modern sciences, Traditional sciences offer many alternatives and demand our attention.  

What is sound ? Which is sound ? Where does it exist ? What constitutes sound ? What is Silence ? 
Would Sound makes Life communicable in the Universe ? 
What is the relationship between Sound and Matter ? 
Are Light and Sound connected , are they inseparables ? 

The mystery of Sound was revealed in many theories by Traditional sciences by many Vedic Scholars .
Modern Physicists, scientists , Psychologists, Astrophysicists approached the concept of ” Sound differently.
For a Vedic seer Sound is experienced with ritual. For Modern thinkers Sound is to be experimented . 

The Human Sound Articulation process is UccharaNa. 

Humans are differentiated from the rest of living beings by the process of speech. 
The speech brings out explicitly the process of feelings, emotions, experiences, thoughts in the form of sounds / words using unitary sound units – Akshara-s. 

Akshara -s are sound energy units encapsulated by Varna body of sound , letter.  Alphabets are – The Body that encapsulate the sound energy.  

Aksharam : In itself is complete ” Samhitha” – Entirety , Totality. 
The word ” Akshara”  indicates the entire area of sound articulation process. includes all audio capsules, which mouth and oral cavity  produce. 
This word uses all articulation points. 
The word declares the Samhitha ability . 

Each Akshara is a Unitary force in the Universal Sound Matrix with specified purpose and significance.  

The Unitary creative energy capsule Akshara carries – desire, feeling, thought, action , transcendental potency power to manifest. 

“Akshara “.  is Unitary creative force, when desired by Jeevi, manifests transcended from existing level to greater level representing Jnana.