Insights : Nyaaya Shastras & Mimamsa

Nyaya Shastra : Darshana based on Vedas. It elaborates a method for logical analysis of Vedas and devices a philosophy and spiritual practice for liberation.

1.Dharma Shastras and Puranas –
Role : Build up ethical and moral excellence
2. Yoga shastras & Agamas
Role : Develop complete control of senses and mind .
3. Nyaya and Mimamsa Shastra
Role: Develop sharp intellect to understand nuances of Vedanta and strongly defend philosophy
4. Vedanta Shastra
Role : For obtaining Brahma jnana
5. Acharya Krupa & Ishwara Anugraha:(final step)
Role: To realize ultimate fruit of Nidhidyasana – Moksha

The following 5 words  are commonly used as honorific titles for ACharyas belonging to Veda maarga:
Pada , Vaakya , Pramana, Paramahamsa, Parivraajaka ..

1.”Pada “ refers to Pada Shastra ( Scripture for words) – which is generally accepted as “Vyakarana Shastra” – Grammar for Vedas ( one of 6 Vedaangas)
2. “Vaakya “- Refers to Vaakya Shastra ( Scripture for Sentences) – Mimamsa Shastra
( Analysis/ investigation of Veda Vaakya – one of 6 Darshanas)
3. “ Pramana”  -Refers to Nyaya Shastra ( Sources of knowledge and science of logic – one of 6 darshanas)
4. Paramahamsa – Refers to higher level of Sanyasis – For one of Good definition refer to Swami Vidyaranya’s Jivan mukthi Viveka
5. Parivraajaka – Refers to their status of constant wandering on earth ( so as to avoid attachments)

So being knowledgeable in Nyaya Shastra also called as Pramana Shastra was considered an important qualification for all Vaidika maarga Acharyas.