
In the previous episode, classification of scriptures and introduction to Nyaya and Mimamsa knowledge was shared…

This episode covers more in depth insights on Darshanas and Shad Darshanas, the six well-known systems of Indian philosophy – Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Mimamsa and Vedanta. All these texts explore the Vedas; what is read and heard and what direction they point us to. It is different from Shad Angas- subsidiary of Vedas.

Nyaya tries to analyze logic of Vedas. Vaiseshika discusses the entities universe is made up of; the atomic theory was first explored in here. Samkhya sheds light on spirit and matter. While Samkhya gives materialistic analysis – theory of Prakriti, Yoga gave a practical approach.
Mimamsa analyzes and investigates interpretation of Vedas and Vedanta covers later portions of Veda such as Upanishads. Vedas are broadly divided as Karma Kanda (describes all rituals and chanting associated..) and Gnana Kanda (covers the Upanishads, gives the knowledge of Brahman and Atman, and how to reach liberation.)

Gautama Maharshi is known to be the foremost propagators of Nyaya shastra. Akshapada Goutama composed Nyaya Sutras.

Some common terms we come across while reaching out to texts are Sutras (main verses of scriptures), Bhaashya (gives explanation of main works) and Vaartikas (gives a critical analysis on the works). Indian philosophy approaches key concepts in three aspects – Logical, Ritualistic and Mythical.
Gautama Sutras stresses on 5 important elements for acquiring knowledge – Pramana(knowledge source), Prameya (the objects of knowledge), Vaada (discussion), Avyaya (way of doing, practical parts, steps), and Anyamata pareeksha.