Mind : Insights from Yoga & Vedanta

Mind : Insights from Yoga & Vedanta
Vedanta always looked at human beings as a complex personality. At the grossest level as the body and limbs and at the subtlest level as Consciousness, the Self; in-between, the manifestations, the whole idea of Mind as an integral part of being, we have the mind and mind related activities that is intellect, memory… recollection, analysis, and the Prana which is supposed to be supporting the whole bodily activities.

The Rishis and sages believed once you transcend the mind, which seemed to be the last hold of you and you become one with the Self. Sage Vasistha guides Rama in “Yoga Vashishta,” very contextually he defined how Yoga helps in mind control – “manah prashamanah upayah yoga ityabhidhiyate” which means Yoga is a skillful method to calm the mind.

Patanjali gives a direct definition  “Yogah chitta vritti nirodhah”, which means that Yoga is control of the fluctuations of ‘Chitta’ or it is the control of the mind.

There is no respite for the mind, it constantly goes on. But there is the state when it goes quiet, you in your Swaroopa, your Self. From the point of view of the quiet state of mind, several steps were stated.

Mind feeling satisfied is Samaadhana, and it’s extension is what is called Samadhi. Samadhi state of mind is deeper, goes into Nirvikalpa Samadhi, a region where nothing sprouts as mind activity… Sabeeja Samadhi, Nirbeeja Samadhi…Dagdhabeeja, (a burnt seed). The state from doing to being, is a journey. Upanishads (YatO vAchO nivartantE, aprApya manasA saha -Taittiriya ) and many texts clearly and always talk about the mind, quieting the mind, going to the quietude state to experience the true Self, the state of Bliss. Watch the video for more insights…