Narayana Upanishad {Narayana Atharvaseersham}

Narayana Upanishad/ Narayana Atharvaseersham(Atharvasirsha) is the 18th among the well known 108 Upanishads. A short Upanishad, it was revealed by great seer Atharva Rishi. The powerful Narayana Ashtakshari Mantra or simply called Narayana Mantra is embedded in this Upanishad.

Narayana is all in all. This Upanishad emphasizes bhakthi to Narayana and Mukthi – liberation as a result. It is also called Muktikopanishad.

Nara means water, ayana means staying in water. Nara also means knowledge, ayana is staying well placed in knowledge… The recitation has mystical, magical vibrational sounds that can eliminate contamination and fears stationed in our minds.
Narayana Upanishad leads us to Happiness, takes us to elevated state of mind and peace.