Aksharapadeeyam – Episode 8

The sum essence of certain aspects is ”Tattva Jnaanam”. Universal life force is ‘Life energy’ transformed into Naada. 

“Akshara : is the primordial principle at the origin of every thing that manifest with many dimensions. 
Akshara is finite, immense, expansive and  beyond yet is subservient to ‘Atman’ .
Akshara is the womb of the Universe.
Akshara belongs to two 2 worldscreated & non-created, manifest and un-manifest. 
Akshara has unique mediatory capacity, mediation ability.” 

Akshara gloatingly said – still says – will continue saying ->
“I am better than you and yourself because Whatever you know – I make it all known. I communicate to you. I allow you to express and explicate. I save it as me , in my own form. I am the subject of speech as well as object. I am the primordial energy, but get created by you.

Akshara has 36.000 forms of fire – “ visphu linga-s “  

To understand aksharaartham, the meaning, we need to address four aspects :

  1. Sensorial energy transforming in to universal energy – means, when universal energy is capsulated in micro forms it manifest as cerebral retro flex sound. 
  2. Senatorial energy reaches articulation area in the oral cavity, resulting in sound of Human potentiality of the senses including sixth sense in total.
  3. Knowledge of “Non-Local realms”, once we perceive that becomes “Local”
  4. Energy at its highest potential state, beyond the power of senses and emotional, rational mind. 

Human’s life continues in three worlds, being with five senses, subtle body, emotional body and intellectual body, where the breath energy always transform in to action.

Once ‘the mind- soul- body’ are in union, the ” I- ness” looses its identity. A place where  breath, intellect , emotion, speech ability , inherent thinking potency combined and function as unitary energy . 
This can be perceived only with contemplation, concentration, single pointedness, yoga, inner discipline, emotional stability. 

Akshara energy is utilized in two ways :
“ Mantra” – Where the meaning artha is primary  
“Tantra” – where sound , shabda is primary .