Mind : Insights from Yoga & Vedanta

Vedanta always looked at human beings as a complex personality. At the grossest level as the body and limbs and at the subtlest level as Consciousness, the Self; in-between, the manifestations, the whole idea of Mind as an integral part of being, we have the mind and mind related activities that is intellect, memory… recollection, analysis, and the Prana which is supposed to be supporting the whole bodily activities.

Jyotisha Sastram – Part 1

A common man on the street perceives that Jyotisha Sastram is synonymous with Astrology. It is not. Astrology is a subject that deals with the planetary positions relevant to place, on the date and at the time of birth with reference to an individual.
The science of Astrology is a pious subject. Therefore any one who practices Astrology should also be pious to be able to practice and interpret Astrologically. Only then predictions can deliver the best results.

Spheres of Knowledge – Part 4

In the process of acquiring knowledge the role of the knower is very important. The acquirer of knowledge is also called knower. There are many responsibilities for a knower, accordingly he is called with many names. After acquiring knowledge, he has to retain it in the best part of storage called Smriti. Hence, he is known as a knowledge retainer or a good memorizer. In the process of acquiring knowledge one may be a pursuant or seeker or one who is thirsty after knowledge.