Narayana Upanishad {Narayana Atharvaseersham(Atharvasirsha)} is the 18th among the well known 108 Upanishads. A short Upanishad, it was revealed by great seer Atharva Rishi. The powerful Narayana Ashtakshari Mantra or simply called Narayana Mantra is embedded in this Upanishad.
In this episode Dr. Prabhakar garu explains ‘Vedic Heritage.’
Veda is a holistic knowledge. In the previous episode, ‘Vedic tradition’ was explained. Vedic tradition is a flow, ‘Sampradaaya,’ wherein teachings and experiences are part of it.
Now in this episode, on the topic of ‘Vedic heritage,’ we would know more about it as being the literature, which talks about knowledge and the texts.
Watch for a more detailed explanation …
“सुर्योपनिषत्” Surya Upanishad / Surya Atharvaseersham, is one among the 5 Atharvaseershas coming from Vedas.
Worship of Sun God, Surya, has been practiced since Vedic times.
The hymns in the Surya Atharvaseersha belong to Atharva Veda, and are in praise of the Sun. Surya Atharvaseersha is also called Atharvaangirasah Vidya and Saavitri Vidya; revealed to us by two great Rishis – Atharva and Angirasa.
Watch for more insights and in depth explanation of Surya Bhagavan and the verses…
In this episode Sri. Prabhakar garu is explaining Vedic Heritage and Tradition.
Veda-s knowledge has been attractive to many from times immemorial. Tradition is a flow, it is a long flowing river of knowledge. Veda is knowledge, it is “Sampradaaya/m,” “Pradaana,” it means to give away to people, in a proper manner given to us by ‘Rishis’, or ‘pashyakas.’
‘Atharva’ means pain-free; ‘Seersha’ means prime, the most important. The most important vidya/knowledge of all Vidyas that gives all round success, all round happiness, removes all sorts of obstacles, and is beneficial in all ways is the Ganesha Vidya – “ Ganesha Aatharvaseersham.”
On reciting “Ganapati Atharvaseesrham,” one is blessed and receives and dwells in pure happiness – ‘Anandaanubhava.’