Aksharapadeeyam – Episode 5

The ” Sound”, ” Dhvani”, ” Human Voice ” and ” Mechanical Sound ” together make an endless matrix… 
Ancient Bharat (India) has been a host for Linguistic diversity. 
Enriched with 22 official languages, 13 official scripts, 780 dialects spoken and 1560 regional dialectical variations. Our Linguistic foundations are led by  Vedanga-s, Shiksha Shastra-s – phonetics,  Pratishakhya-s, Vyakara grantha-s – Grammar ,  Niruktha – Etymology , Tharka shastra- Logic and Chando grantha-s – Meter.  
All these are protecting our languages without hampering for thousands of years. What a glory we all can celebrate! 

Watch for more depth insights…

Bharat is home for “Multiculturalism” & ” Multilingualism “. Phonetic diversity & linguistic diversity are embedded naturally in Indian languages such as Sanskrit.
Origin of Sanskrit : Previously existing words were taken into consideration and refined by Acharya Panini . 
Panini gave a phonetic formula for the Sanskrit language named -“Maheshwara sutraNi ” with 14 principles.
According to Sanskrit ‘Akshara’ means ” Non perishable unitary sounds ” . 

These sound units – Phonemes, find five avenues to get expressed: 
1. Sound Units come out without embracing, touching any articulation areas, originating at the Naval area, finding way through the throat exiting through lips. 
2. Pranik energy as Nada gains specific sound by complete touch at specific articulation point – Sparsha Akshara .
3. Sound units formed by the touch of specific articulation point in the oral cavity, detours through Nasal passage producing Nasal sounds. 
4. Sound units while passing through the articulation area use additional Pranic air, fire element, energy to produce different sounds. 
5. Sound Units which do not use much breath, pranik air, but use more fire energy potency, partially touching articulation areas, and putting effort. 

There are two interesting sounds ” r ”  – ” R ” .
“r” –  Sound unit touching / retroflexion – back of the upper teeth  “Barkhyam”, like in pronunciation of thra , dharma, Dhrutha. 
” R ” – The roof of the mouth is called “Barsvamu”, when the tongue oscillates in that cave, the sound produced is R like in Rshi.

We talked about 26 complete Akshara-s. 
The Sound called “Nada” is the original vibration in the emanation of the word .
All contingent beings – humans, birds, bees, insects , animals are attuned to sound. 
Experience, intellect, emotion, expression, sharing, creativity are main factors that make human sound different. 
Ancient traditional Vedic primal sound is ” Bindu” – Unitary in nature, which is an expansion of Micro to Macrocosm. 
In modern sciences, the Big Bang is associated with Sound blasting into the Universe. 
Modern sciences acknowledge transformation of physical forces, Vedic sciences attribute consciousness to evolve into creation. 
The difference is quite remarkably noticed, in defining ‘The cosmological image of Sound.’