Yoga & Vedanta – Episode 5

Sanatana Dharma!

‘Sanatana’ means ever living. It is similar to another term ‘Puraatana’ which means ancient. But Sanatana is eternal– relevant in previous ages, is relevant now and will remain relevant…

Sanatana Dharma is a lifestyle, way of life. The word ‘religion’ did not exist before, and Sanatana Dharma is a way to connect to the origin, or “the Brahman.” Therefore, Sanatana Dharma is realization of the Brahman, the byproduct of knowing and experiencing is bliss and wonder.  

The importance of Sanatana Dharma is knowing the purpose of life, that it is a journey, and the experience and knowing is to become Brahman. The Srutis declare “Brahmavit Bharmaiva Bhavati…”  –the knower of Brahman is Brahman himself/herself, i.e., the knower of Brahman (brahmavit) is no different from Brahman.

Sanatana Dharma brings awareness that life is not just worldly desires and accumulation of wealth–‘Kama’ and ‘Artha’. Sanatana Dharma is put together in such a way that will take one to the ultimate inner freedom that inherently exists within, finding meaning to the purpose of life.

Dharma is vast. It is not religion. It can never change. When it is connected with roots, it is relevant. Even though there were several cultures which tried to destroy it, Dharma evolved from origin, thus it cannot be separated from those roots. We have developed so many things based on the origin, various practices, and various ideas…

Contemplate on what Yoga teaches and what purpose does Vedanta serve, watch for more…