Yoga & Vedanta – Episode 6

Yoga in Modern Times!
Sri. NV Raghuram garu takes us on a Yoga journey, revealing the story of Yoga and its practices back in old times to the present day modern times.
Watch for more valuable insights on the practice of Yoga…

The way Seer Patanjali looked at Yoga was not from just physical aspects, he very clearly contemplated that a Human being is just an entity of energy and activity.
A 2 prong activity so to say, one directed inwardly and the other outwardly.
Inwards activities include thinking, recollecting, memorizing, etc… outward include moving hands and legs, talking etc.

Pantanjali explained the 2 models – outward as ‘Prana,’ inward as ‘Chitta.’ When it came to the physical body, he emphasized on relaxation of the body, as means of support, ‘Sthira Sukham Asanam,’ and then carrying on inner life force. 

When Yoga spread to the eastern parts of the world it went out in a form, focusing on ‘Prana.’
Prana in Pali is also called Chi, so Chi practice was continued. When people went to the west, it came more focused on emphasizing on the body and physical practices.

Several schools of Yoga practice came about from there on, Kriya and Karma focused groups. Real purpose of Yoga was missed in the process – the ultimate goal of Samadhi.