Happiness : “Ananda Mimamasa”

Basically in Sanskrit and texts we have 3 different terms we use for happiness – “Sukham, Ananda, Santosha”, almost similar that they are.

The word structure “Kham” means space, and as Upanishad states, whatever that is Akaasha is also Ananda, Kham is also Brahma.
Sukham, the kind of space that gives happiness, freedom which is opposite of Dukham(that which constricts us). A blissful space which has no boundaries.
Yo vai bhoomã tat sukham nãlpe sukhamasti bhoomaiva sukham‘ – The Infinite, Space, Paramatma is the very form of bliss.

‘Santosha’ word comes from ‘Tushti’, meaning satisfied in a balanced way – samatushti, samtushti.

‘Ananda’ is an inner state of being. In Ananda we touch the inner space, a position which is the core, natural space… One may wonder if it is an object or experience?

Happiness is consistent in true sense, the state of quiet, blissful. No thought outside and no thought inside, a feeling of I am Peaceful.

Ananda Mimamasa of Taitariya Upanishad, gives ‘mind” becoming quite in various levels, in order to understand the degrees, a unit of happiness, which is abstract. Way back 7000 years ago, sages created yardsticks.

Patanjali says to take steps, a step by step approach and after Samadhi it is ‘Kevala stiti’, ‘Yoga Brahmanda stiti.’
Yoga and Vedanta try to take us in the same path, supposed to be goal of life, to happiness.